Grow with health and wellness coaching
for executives
Get the guidance and expert tools you need to feel personally and professionally fulfilled.
Welcome to Oakia
The mental load is heavier than ever
Everyone’s telling you to implement a 5-step morning routine, your family wants to see you more and there always seems to be a corporate restructure to ride out.
There has never been more pressure to perform in all areas of your life – and never have we been in a time of so much disruption. The only way to flourish in this landscape is to tap into the things that make you feel grounded.
For more than 20 years, I have worked with both start-ups and global enterprises to nurture and develop their teams. Now you can leverage this experience for your own personal and professional growth.
Using a coaching process that challenges you in thoughtful ways, I’ll show you how to reconnect with your values and set goals you feel excited to work towards.
- Executive Coaching
- Career Coaching
- Vision mapping workshops
- Health and Wellness Coaching
Hi, I’m Deb Maddigan
My business card says I’m a Senior Director of Human Resources and a Certified Health and Wellness Coach. Like all of us, there’s also a whole lot more to me than a job title. But for ambitious executives, it’s easy to lose sight of that and put work first.
The problem with that mindset is this: your professional performance is directly impacted by how well you look after yourself.
Having spent 20+ years working with professionals and C-suite executives in my HR career, I can assure you that no one has it perfectly together. So let’s stop chasing perfection and work on realistic ways to ensure your personal and professional lives enrich one another.
While moving up the corporate ladder, I experienced the upheaval of moving overseas for work and faced the crisis of confidence that many female professionals go through. So I understand how easy it is to lose focus when one area of your life starts taking over.
As your coach, I help you work on your mindset and create strategies for handling challenges with grace. It is possible to come out the other side with greater resilience and self-awareness.
A judgment-free space to be yourself
You don’t have to put on your corporate ‘game face’ here. I’ll give you a place to drop your guard, so you can focus on your growth, health and wellness. This is uninterrupted time that’s all about you.If it’s time to work on your mindset, habits and lifestyle, book an introductory consultation to learn what’s possible. The first session is complimentary and held in confidence.
How can I help you grow?
Career coaching
When you’re ready to move up or settling into a new role, it’s crucial to develop the skills and mindset you need to perform at your best. I’ll keep you accountable, teach you tools for managing career change and be there to deliver a confidence boost. Other areas of your life can slip when you’re focused on your career, so I keep you in tune with these too.
- Prepare for a new role
- Gain clarity on your career ambitions
- Work on leadership and team building skills
- Return from extended leave
- Balance career and wellness goals
Executive coaching
It can feel lonely at the top – in part because we culturally believe that success equals happiness. But it’s not that simple. Having spent 20+ years blending career and personal goals, I understand the journey you are on. I’ll listen and tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. There’s a big difference between the two, and that’s where change happens.
- Manage stress and a busy mind
- Form positive new habits
- Make time for your personal life
- Implement healthy boundaries
- Gain clarity on your values
Vision workshops
A workshop will help you map out what matters most to you both personally and professionally. By reconnecting with your values and vision, you will be able to make decisions without angst, identify opportunities that are right for you, and feel positive about the future. These sessions are available for small groups, or you can book a solo workshop to see if coaching is right for you.
- Define your values
- See the big picture
- Reset your future goals
- Start making yourself a priority
What makes me different to other executive coaches?
Executives are at high risk of burnout. Long hours, lack of sleep and pressure to perform all undermine your wellbeing. But when you stop looking after your own wellness, you cannot be present for your teams, family and friends. That’s why my approach blends performance with health and wellness, because they’re all connected.
Your opportunity to create a balanced life
Without dedicated time to slow down and reflect, it is hard to look at the big picture and put new systems in place.
I’ll show you how to make time for important things and look after yourself (while still getting 8 hours of sleep each night). Then when those inevitable road bumps occur – like losing a key team member or caring for ageing parents – you will have the tools you need to plan and manage the way forward.We will be a great fit if you are looking for a coach who…
- Keeps you accountable
- Sees you as a person, not a job title
- Provides a safe space to sound out ideas
- Offers a forward-thinking mindset
- Has high-level corporate experience
- Supports your health and wellness
Ready to invest in your personal growth?
Work with me wherever you are in Australia or Asia-Pacific…
My program gives you space to stop and reflect, as well as the accountability you need to implement change.
The first step is to book a consultation, where we get to know each other and I take you through my approach.
Oakia Consulting
Executive Coaching
Career Coaching
Health and Wellness Coaching
Available across Australia and Asia-Pacific
Professional Recognition
Certified Health and Wellness Coach
(physical fitness, stress management, nutrition)
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